Sexual Health

The College Nurse is available for pregnancy advice and support, and for STD testing as well as care. The morning after pill is available from the nurse and can be acquired over the counter at chemists or at the Summertown Health Centre. Pregnancy tests are also available from the Welfare Officer. The Summertown Health Centre is another resource for sexual health needs. They can be contacted directly for appointments.

The MCR provides condoms for MCR members. These resources are available in the following locations:

  • Onsite, staircase 2, in the unisex toilets on the ground floor

  • 145/147 Woodstock Rd, in the unisex toilets in front of the old chapel

  • 18 Rawlinson Rd, in the laundry room

  • Staverton Rd, in the JCR building, in the laundry area within the basement